Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society
Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is the international sociology honor society. The University of Richmond's chapter is MU and was founded in 1985. Eligibility is based on overall academic achievement, academic performance in your major and sociology courses completed. Alpha Kappa Delta seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in the scholarship and study of sociology, the research of social problems, and other social and intellectual activities that will lead to improvement in the human condition. Late in the spring of each year, UR's department of sociology and anthropology holds an initiation ceremony for all sociology majors and minors, recognizing the achievements of those newly accepted into AKD. During this time, the department also honors the recipeint of the James Sartain Award in Sociology.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements for undergraduate students:
Be enrolled as a major or minor in a sociology program
Be at least a junior (third year) by the standards of host university
A student shall have accumulated the equivalent of an overall grade point average of at least 3.3 by a four point scale where A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0
Have maintained the equivalent of a 3.0 GPA in sociology courses taken at the host institution prior to initiation
Have completed at least four courses (the equivalent of 12 semester hours) in sociology prior to initiation