The Sociology Major
The Sociology Major
Note: The grade point average of the sociology coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).
10 units, including:
SOC101 Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis
SOC211 Sociological Research Methods and Data Analysis
SOC221 Sociological Theory
SOC401 Capstone Experience
Six elective units in Sociology at the 300 level or higher
Students must earn a grade of C- or better in SOC101 to take SOC211, SOC221, and 300-level sociology courses.
No more than three courses may be taken at other institutions, including study abroad institutions.
SOC326, SOC327, SOC388, and SOC389 are offered for .5 unit in the majority of circumstances.
The Sociology Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7). A maximum of two courses may be taken at another accredited institution or through an approved study abroad program, with departmental approval.
Six units, including:
SOC101 Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis
SOC211 Sociological Research Methods and Data Analysis
SOC221 Sociological Theory
Three elective units in Sociology at the 300 level or higher