The Sociology Major

  • Major

    The Sociology Major

    Note: The grade point average of the sociology coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).

    10 units, including:

    • SOC101 Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis

    • SOC211 Sociological Research Methods and Data Analysis

    • SOC221 Sociological Theory

    • SOC401 Capstone Experience

    • Six elective units in Sociology at the 300 level or higher


    • Students must earn a grade of C- or better in SOC101 to take SOC211, SOC221, and 300-level sociology courses.

    • No more than three courses may be taken at other institutions, including study abroad institutions.

    • SOC326, SOC327, SOC388, and SOC389 are offered for .5 unit in the majority of circumstances.

  • Minor

    The Sociology Minor

    Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7). A maximum of two courses may be taken at another accredited institution or through an approved study abroad program, with departmental approval.

    Six units, including:

    • SOC101 Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis

    • SOC211 Sociological Research Methods and Data Analysis

    • SOC221 Sociological Theory

    • Three elective units in Sociology at the 300 level or higher


    • Students must earn a grade of C- or better in SOC101 to take SOC211, SOC221, and 300-level sociology courses.

    • No more than two courses may be taken at other institutions, including study abroad institutions.