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  • Anthropology Resources

    Anthropology Writing Guide

    American Anthropological Association
    The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is the world’s largest organization of anthropologists. AAA provides information for students interested in study or careers in the field of anthropology, as well as links to anthropology resources on the internet.

    National Association of Student Anthropologists

    The National Association of Student Anthropologists promotes the interests and supports the needs of undergraduate and graduate students of anthropology.

    Society of Applied Anthropology
    The Society for Applied Anthropology is a professional organization based in the U.S. that promotes the use of applied anthropology in solving world problems.

    American Ethnological Society
    The American Ethnological Society is the oldest professional anthropological organization in the U.S. that promotes research through its journals American Anthropologist and American Ethnologist.

    Southern Anthropological Society
    The Southern Anthropological Society is a professional organization comprised of anthropologists who live or work in the South.

    Human Relations Area Files
    The Human Relations Area Files is an internationally recognized research agency based at Yale that promotes the study of cultural anthropology.

  • Anthropology Fellowships

    Jacobs Research Fund
    The Jacobs Research Fund of the Whatcom Museum Society awards students fellowships for their work on problems involving language, culture, economic development, or psychology.

    Fellowships for New Americans
    The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans support the study of any scholarly discipline for students that fit the criteria of “New Americans,” which includes (1) US Permanent Residents (2) naturalized US citizens or (3) children of parents who are both naturalized citizens.

  • Sociology Resources

    American Sociological Association
    The American Sociological Association (ASA) is a national professional association dedicated to research and education in the field of sociology. Undergraduates may be interested in ASA’s student resources, which include information about majoring in sociology, post-graduate education, and career planning.  See this recent article on the career options for sociology majors after the Bachelor’s degree.

    Southern Sociological Society
    The Southern Sociological Society is a professional organization comprised of individuals working in the field of sociology in the South.

    Association for Humanist Sociology
    The Association for Humanist Sociology is an organization that works to promote peace, equality and social justice through the application of sociology.

  • Sociology Fellowships

    National Science Foundation
    The National Science Foundation is an independent federal agency that funds research in many fields including the social sciences.

    Guggenheim Foundation
    The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation awards fellowships to professional scholars and artists who have demonstrated exceptional work in fields, such as social sciences and humanities.

    Ford Foundation
    The Ford Foundation awards fellowships and grants to those working on projects that focus on human rights, economic development, community, education, media, and democratic values.

    Fulbright Grants
    The Fulbright Grants are offered to promote a mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries.