Dr. Jeffrey Hass
My interests ultimately relate to the human capacity for action, which means I study power, culture, and practice. Why do we do what we do, and do we act from compulsion or autonomous desire? How do social practices persist and change? This leads me to question just what "institutions" and "structures" are — social phenomena that too often are taken for granted.
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Grants and Fellowships
2021 Sabbatical Fellows Program, University of Richmond (full-year sabbatical): “Soviet Power Under Siege”
2021 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “Survival and After: Wartime and Postwar Challenges, Practices, and Power”
2020 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “Survival and After: Wartime and Postwar Challenges, Practices, and Power”
2019 Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond ($4520): “Survival and After: Wartime and Postwar Challenges, Practices, and Power”
2018 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “Troubled Phoenix”
2017 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “Troubled Phoenix”
2016 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “Troubled Phoenix”
2016 Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond ($4950): “Troubled Phoenix”
2016 Russian Fund for the Humanities (RGNF): Application for grant for project “Field Theory and Russian Economic Reality.” Collective application with colleagues from the department of economic theory, Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University. Grant application turned down, but reviews were positive.
2016 Russian Scientific Fund (RNF): Application for grant for project “Moral norms in the Russian economy: impact on effectiveness and possibilities of regulation.” Collective application with colleagues from the School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. Grant application turned down, but reviews were positive.
2014 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Grant #FB-57514-14 (stipend, $50,400): “A Siege Mentality”
2014 University of Richmond Dean’s Enhanced Sabbatical Award (declined, to take full NEH)
2014 NEH Summer Fellowship, University candidate for submission (submission ultimately withdrawn because one cannot hold two NEH fellowships in the same calendar year)
2014 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “A Siege Mentality”
2013 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “A Siege Mentality”
2012 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “A Siege Mentality”
2011 Faculty Research Summer Fellowship, University of Richmond ($6000): “A Siege Mentality”
2011 IREX Short-Term Travel Grant, alternate recipient (contingent on government funding)
2009 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) collaborative grant for $30,000, administered by ACTR, for joint project with Nikita Lomagin: “War and Power: Practices, Meanings, and Political and Moral Economies of War. The Case of the Blockade of Leningrad”
2008 Weinstein Family Fellowship, University of Richmond: “Art Negotiates Power: Film as an Expression of Hegemony and Dissent.” With Alison Heslin, David Brandenberger, Joe Troncale.
2007 Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond: “To the Undiscovered Country”
2006 Faculty Research Grant, University of Richmond: “To the Undiscovered Country”
2006 Student Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support, University of Reading (nominated)
2004 Nuffield Foundation Social Science Small Grant (£6000): “The Meaning of War and the Politics of Legitimacy: The Case of the Siege of Leningrad”
2004 Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Reading (short-listed)
2003 Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Reading (nominated)
2001 University of Reading Research Grant (£3500)
2000 University of Reading Research Grant (£3500)
1999 IREX Short-Term Travel Grant (summer research, Russia); $2700 for final data collection for project on Russian economic change, “To the Undiscovered Country”
1994 American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACCELS) dissertation grant
1994 Council on Regional Studies research grant and Center for International Studies grant, Princeton University ($10,000)
1994 Center for International Studies grant , Princeton University ($10,000)
1993 Princeton University Fellowship
1993 State Department research and language training grant (through CIEE program)
1992 Princeton University Fellowship
1991 Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS)
1991 Research/language study award (CIEE)
1990 Social Science Research Council fellowship for underrepresented fields in Soviet studies
1989 Harvard University Russian Research Center summer research grant
1989 Harvard College Scholarship
1987 NSF training/research grant
2023: Mirra Komarovsky Book Award, Eastern Sociological Society
2022: Distinguished Scholarship Award, University of Richmond
2022: Distinguished Scholarly Book Award (Honorable Mention), American Sociological Association
2022: Outstanding Book Award (Co-winner), section on War, Peace, and Social Conflict, American Sociological Association
2006: Student Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support, University of Reading (nominated)
2003, 2004: Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Reading (nominated 2003, short-listed 2004)
2022 Invited participation in roundtable discussion (online), “Goroda-geroi: front i tyl v krupneishikh bitvakh Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny” (Hero-cities: the front and the rear in the greatest battles of the Great Fatherland War), European University at St. Petersburg, May 24.
2022 “Wartime Suffering and Survival.” SRB Podcast, University of Pittsburgh Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (online), April 29 (https://srbpodcast.org/2022/05/10/suffering-and-survival-in-leningrad/?fbclid=IwAR3fbZtVvxG-IaYdXUSUkCLHZ6A2CPXOg1N1zqyw-KNwJmz9gFeDKu3t3Bg).
2022 “Wartime Suffering and Survival.” Invited seminar presentation, St. Petersburg Institute for History of the Academy of Sciences and European University at St. Petersburg, April 11 (https://youtu.be/VNZw1P62SHg).
2022 (with Nikita Lomagin) “Russian Dirigisme and Institutional Variation: Hydrocarbons and Agriculture.” VI International Economic Symposium, St. Petersburg, March 17.
2022 “The Sensuous Nature of Social Fields: Actors, Social Fields, and Anchors of Valence.” Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Boston, March 13.
2022 Author Meets Critics: Wartime Suffering and Survival. Southern Conference on Slavic Studies annual convention, Richmond, February 26.
2022 “Suffering, Survival, and Tragic Agency in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Invited talk, Central and East European Program Speaker Series, University of Manitoba (online), January 27 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-teCmx0JVk).
2021 “Conceptualizing and Explaining Russian Reforms: Questions, Approaches, Possibilities.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies annual convention, online, December.
2021 “Conceptualizing and Explaining Russian Reforms: Questions, Approaches, Possibilities.” Research seminar, Department of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics, SPbGU, September.
2021 “The Political Economy of COVID: State Structures, Policies, and Economy in the USA and UK, or, How To Screw Up a Response to a Pandemic.” III Moscow Academic Economic Forum, May 27.
2021 “Fields of Collapse: A Field Interpretation of the 2008 Recession.” V International Economic Symposium, St. Petersburg State University, March 25.
2021 “Practices of Political Economy Under Siege: Bolshevism and the Blockade of Leningrad.” Invited talk, Economics and Culture Seminar, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, March 25.
2021 “Pressures or Parallels from Below: War, Postwar Politics, and Dreams of Socialism” (in Russian, “Davlenie ili paralelli snizu: voina, poslevoennaia politika i mechty o sotsializme”). Conference, Twentieth Party Conference of the CPSU: preconditions and consequences (XX sezd KPSS: predposylki i posledstviia), Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, March 3.
2020 “Resilience of the Simple? Lessons about Order from the Blockade of Leningrad.” Conference, Memory of the Second World War, European University at St. Petersburg, November.
2020 (with Nikita Lomagin) “Seeing Like a Starving State: The Soviet Political Economy of Death in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies annual convention, online, November.
2020 (with Nikita Lomagin) “The Unseen Revolution: Party Elites, Economic Reforms, and Expectations versus Outcomes in Late 1980s Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies annual convention, online, November.
2020 “Making Sense of Postsocialism: What in the Name of God Happened, and Why?” Invited lecture, European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, April 29.
2019 “Postwar Dreams: A Brief Glimpse of Hopes for a Postwar, Post-Blockade Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies annual convention, San Francisco, November.
2019 “Enlightenment or Obfuscation? Social Science and Russian Studies: The Case of Sociology.” Invited lecture, European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, November 4.
2019 “Soviet Power under Siege: The State, Shadow Markets, and Political Economy of Food and Control in the Blockade of Leningrad.” First International Petersburg Historical Forum, St. Petersburg, October 31.
2019 “Resilience of the Simple? Lessons about Order from the Blockade of Leningrad.” Workshop, Historical Systemic Collapse, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, Princeton University, April 26-27 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L43DeWn474&feature=youtu.be).
2019 “Gender, Class, and Economic Change: Insights from Russian Postsocialism and One Small Firm.” Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Boston, March.
2019 “Moral and Market Economies: Not So Distinct and Different After All.” Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Boston, March.
2018 “Contentious Fields of the Post-Soviet Economy: Identities, Interests, and Ideologies of Normal Post-Soviet Economy.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies annual convention, Boston, December.
2018 “States, Markets, and War: Shadow Economies and Soviet State Power in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Baltimore, February.
2017 “Pain, Theodicy, and Making Sense of War: Logics of Narratives of Suffering.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Chicago, November.
2017 “Sensuality of Fields: Sensations and Signals, Anchors of Valence, and Field Positions and Relations.” Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Philadelphia, February.
2017 “Not Eternal, But Pretty Durable: Class, Habitus, and Duress of War. Survival in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Philadelphia, February.
2017 Panelist and commentator, author meets critic, Arlene Stein’s Reluctant Witnesses. Eastern Sociological Society annual convention, Philadelphia, February.
2016 “Not Eternal, But Pretty Durable: Class, Habitus, and Duress of War. Survival in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Washington DC, November.
2016 “Not Eternal, But Pretty Durable: Class, Habitus, and Duress of War. Survival in the Blockade of Leningrad.” American Sociological Association annual conference, Seattle, August.
2016 “Sensuality of Fields: Sensations and Signals, Anchors of Valence, and Field Positions and Relations.” American Sociological Association annual conference, Seattle, August.
2016 Conference co-organizer: “Issues in the History of the Blockade of Leningrad,” European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 15-16.
2016 “Not Eternal, But Pretty Durable: Class,Habitus, and Duress of War. Survival in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Conference “Issues in the History of the Blockade of Leningrad,” St. Petersburg, Russia, June 15-16.
2016 “Western Historiography and the USSR in World War II.” Invited lectures: European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 27 (in English), Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University, May 6 (in Russian).
2016 “Power, Culture, and Post-Socialism.” Annual conference, “Sustainable Development: Society and Economy.” St. Petersburg, Russia, April 22 (in Russian).
2015 “Breaking and Making the Rules as Things Fall Apart: Desperation, Innovation, and Traces of Order in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Public lecture, Princeton University, Princeton Institution for International and Regional Studies, December 9.
2015 (with Nikita Lomagin) “A Lesser-Known Blockade of Leningrad: Policies and Institutional Practices in the Second Year of the Siege.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Philadelphia, November.
2015 Discussant, panel “Faces of Death in Socialist Culture.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Philadelphia, November.
2015 “Anchors, Habitus, and Practices under the Siege of War: The Story of Women and Gender in the Blockade of Leningrad.” American Sociological Association annual conference, Chicago, August.
2015 “Coping with Suffering: Sense and Perception, Fields, and Narratives of Theodicy.” Conference, “Narrating the Siege. The Blockade of Leningrad and its Transmedial Narratives.” Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, June 2015.
2015 “Fields and the Post-Soviet Economy.” Annual conference, “Sustainable Development: Society and Economy.” St. Petersburg, Russia, April 24 (in Russian).
2015 “Anchors, Habitus, and Practices under the Siege of War: The Story of Women and Gender in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Eastern Sociological Society annual conference, New York City, February.
2014 “War, Subjectivity, and Economics of Death. The ‘Leningrad Death’ in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, San Antonio, November.
2014 “Techniques, Technologies, and Politics of Post-Crisis Economics.” Annual conference, “Sustainable Development: Socity and Economy.” St. Petersburg, Russia, April 25 (in Russian).
2013 “Lysistrata’s Paradox: How War Shaped Gender in the Case of the Blockade of Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Boston, November.
2013 “Voina i vosproizvodstvo gendernykh otnoshenii: sluchai blokadnogo Leningrada.” Conference “The little person and the great war in Russia’s history, 19th-20th centuries.” St. Petersburg, Russia, June (in Russian).
2013 “Economic Sociology.” Public lecture series, St. Petersburg University, Faculty of Economics. May (in Russian).
2012 “Coercion, Symbolic Power, and Post-Soviet State Capacity: A Political Sociology of Post-Socialist Political Change.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, New Orleans, November.
2012 “Political Culture of Post-Soviet Economic Change: The Case of Financial-Industrial Groups.” Conference on post-socialism and economic culture, St. Petersburg State University (Russia), Faculty of Humanitarian and Free Sciences, June 30.
2011 “Securing the State: ‘Security’ and the Trials of Rebuilding State Authority under Yeltsin and Putin.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, D.C., November.
2011 “Authority and War: World War II and Challenges to Political and Social Authority.” Panel organizer and discussant. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, D.C., November.
2011 “Norms and Survival in the Heat of War: Normative versus Instrumental Rationalities and Survival Tactics.” American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, August.
2011 (with Nikita Lomagin) “Lysistrata’s Paradox: Wartime Duty, Survival, and Gender Status. Lessons from the Blockade of Leningrad.” American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, August.
2010 “Contested Bread: Embedded Meanings and Practices of Wartime Survival. Moral and Market Economies of Food in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Los Angeles, November.
2010 “A Moral Economy of War: Lessons from the Blockade of Leningrad.” American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August.
2010 (with Irene Petten and Alison Heslin) “The Politics of Legitimating Subcultures, Lifestyles, and Movements: Expanding Boundaries versus Inverting Norms. A Comparison of Body Modification and Veganism.” American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August.
2009 “Cosmologies of Self, Soviet Power, and Suffering: War, Political Normality, and Survival Practices in the Blockade of Leningrad.” American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November 13. Also panel organizer.
2009 (with Nikita Lomagin) “Habitus, Framing, and Wartime Survival: The Impact of Class and Gender in the Blockade of Leningrad.” American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November 15.
2008 “Gendered Postsocialist Economic Change: Constitutive or ‘Add Gender and Stir’?” American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Philadelphia, November.
2008 “Globalization: An Evaluation and Critique.” Invited lecture, summer school in globalization and economic sociology, St. Petersburg, Russia, July.
2008 “Russian Business and Economic Culture.” Invited lecture, Summer School in Business, St. Petersburg University, Faculty of Economics, Department of World Economy, June.
2008 “Making the Memory of War: Interpretations of War and the Construction of Normality. Lessons from the Siege of Leningrad.” Southern Sociological Society Annual Convention, Richmond, April 12.
2008 Panel Organizer: Thematic Session, “War, Movement, and Meaning,” Southern Sociological Society Annual Convention, Richmond, April 12.
2007 “Making the Memory of War: Interpretations of War and the Construction of Normality. Lessons from the Siege of Leningrad.” Conference on the Blockade of Leningrad, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 6-8.
2006 (with Andrew Buck) “The Origins and Contingencies of Post-Socialist Democracy and Dictatorship. Comparative Insights.” American Sociological Association, Montreal, August.
2005 “Social Context and the Search for Meaning: Networks and Culture in a Comparative Context.” International Conference on Death, Dying, and Disposal, University of Bath, September 17.
2005 “Power and Post-Socialism: A Radical View. Lessons from Enterprise Restructuring.” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, August 13, 2005.
2003 “A Sociological Perspective on Russian Business.” Invited lecture, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg (Russia), July 15.
2001 “Sociology and Economics: Institutions and History.” Summer School for New Institutional Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 9.
2000 “Organizing the Market: Power/Knowledge, Resistance, and the Process of Organizational Change. The Case of Russia’s Market Revolution.” American Sociological Association, Washington D.C., August 15.
2000 “Unclenching the Invisible Hand: Authority-Building and Economic Change. The Case of the Russian Transition.” North Central Sociological Association convention, Pittsburgh, April 15.
2000 “‘So That Each Person Knows His Place’: Discipline and Market-Building. The Experience of the Russian Market Experiment.” North Central Sociological Association convention (session on work and occupations), Pittsburgh, April 14.
2000 “Russia’s Transition: Power/Knowledge, Resistance, and Organizational Change.” Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, February 2.
1998 “To the Undiscovered Country: The Dynamics of Economic Change in Russia,” Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, February 2.
1997 “A ‘Patterned Mess’: Creating Economic Culture and Russia’s Market Transition,” Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, February 19.
1996 “The Great Transition: The Market Transition in Russia and Institutional Change, 1991-1995.” Economic Sociology Workshop, Princeton University, November 11.
1995 “Paths Not Taken: Policy Regimes and Russia’s Transition.” St. Petersburg University, International Relations Summer Academy, St. Petersburg (Russia), June 29.
1992 “Critical Mass: Workers, Culture, and Collective Action, 1905 and 1989-91.” AAASS Regional Conference, Columbus, Ohio, May 1.
Institutional Service
Department chair (2022-2025)
Institutional Review Board, University of Richmond (2012-present)
Faculty Research Committee, University of Richmond (2013-14, 2017-20)
Member, American Sociological Association (1992, 2000, 2005-11, 2015-2016)
Member, Association for the Study of Euroasian and East European Societies (formerly American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies) (1992, 1998, 2007-present)
Member, Eastern Sociological Society (2014-present)
Member, editorial board, Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Seriia 5—Ekonomika, economics journal for St. Petersburg State University (2014-present)
Member, editorial board, Noveishaia istoriia Rossii , history journal for St. Petersburg State University (2018-present)
Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities, Social Science and History of Science fellowships (2017)
Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities summer fellowship applications (autumn 2012)
Reviewer, undergraduate and graduate fellowship applications, Fulbright (autumn 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016)
Reviewer and consultant, Ebert Foundation (Germany)
Reviewer: American Sociological Review; Theory and Society; Journal of Historical Sociology; The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies; Theory, Culture, and Society; Poetics; Gender and Society; Time & Society; Contemporary Sociology; Sociological Currents; Sage Publications; Palgrave; Routledge; Yale University Press; Indiana University Press.
Grants and Fellowships
2021 Wartime Suffering and Survival: The Human Condition under Siege in the Blockade of Leningrad, 1941-1944. New York: Oxford University Press (https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197514276.001.0001).
Winner: Mirra Komarovsky Book Award, Eastern Sociological Society (2023)
Co-Winner: Outstanding Book Award, section on War, Peace, and Social Conflict, American Sociological Association (2022)
Honorable Mention: Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, American Sociological Association (2022).
Nominated for: Pulitzer Prize in nonfiction books; Barrington Moore Jr. Book Award in Comparative-Historical Sociology (American Sociological Association); Mary Douglas Book Prize, (Culture section, American Sociological Association); Outstanding Book Award (Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity section, American Sociological Association); Davis Center Book Prize in Political and Social Studies (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies); Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies).
2020 Economic Sociology: An Introduction. Revised edition. New York and Abingdon, UK: Routledge (https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315439686).
2018 Re-examining the History of the Russian Economy: A New Analytic Tool from Field Theory. New York and Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75414-7). Editor and contributor.
2012 Rethinking the Post-Soviet Experience. Markets, Moral Economies, and Cultural Contradictions of Post-Socialist Russia. New York and Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230358768).
2011 Power, Culture, and Economic Change in Russia 1988-2008: To the Undiscovered Country of Post-Socialism. New York and Abingdon, UK: Routledge (https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203817292).
Nominated for: Viviana Zelizer Prize, American Sociological Association; Ed Hewett Prize, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
2007 Economic Sociology: An Introduction. New York and Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Soviet Power Under Siege: War, the State, and Soviet Political Economy in the Blockade of Leningrad, 1941-1944 (with Nikita Lomagin). Analysis of logics of authority and institutions in extreme wartime duress. In progress for invited submission to University of Pittsburgh Press. Forthcoming.
Civilians Under Siege: Olga Epshtein’s Diary and the Blockade of Leningrad (with Nikita Lomagin and Kirill Boldovskii). In progress for invited submission to Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
Troubled Phoenix: The Politics of Reconstructing Power and Culture in Post-War, Post-Blockade Leningrad. Analysis of politics, policies, and practices of rebuilding Leningrad after World War II. Exploration of change and innovation, versus habit, versus restoration of the past. Forthcoming.
Journal Articles2022 (with Andrew Buck) “Understanding the War in Ukraine.” Trajectories, vol. 33, #1: 9-12.
2021 (with Nikita Lomagin) “Seeing Like a Starving State: The Soviet Political Economy of Death (and Life) in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Noveishaia istoriia Rossii, vol. 11, #2: 324-338. (https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu24.2021.202)
2020 (with Nikita Lomagin) “Making Peace with War: Adaptation and the Soviet Political Economy in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Noveishaia istoriia Rossii, vol. 10, #1: 53-69. (https://doi.org/ 10.21638/11701/spbu24.2020.104)
2019 “Moral Economies: Possibilities for a New Framework of Economic Structure and Change.” Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Series 6, economics, vol 35, #3: 311-329. (https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu05.2019.301)
2018 “Soviet Discursive Power versus War: Agitation and Propaganda in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Noveishaia istoriia Rossii, vol. 8, #4: 827-840. (https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu24.2018.402)
2018 “Soviet Discursive Power versus War: Agitation and Propaganda in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Noveishaia istoriia Rossii, vol. 8, #4: 827-840. (https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu24.2018.402)
2018 (with Andrew Buck) “Coalitional Configurations: A Structural Analysis of Democratization in the Former Soviet Union.” Demokratizatsiya, vol. 26, #1: 25-54.
2017 “Anchors, Habitus, and Practices Besieged by War: Women and Gender in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Sociological Forum, vol. 32, #2: 253-276. (https://doi.org/10.1111/socf.12329)
2017 “Moral Economies of Wartime Intimacy: One Facet of Gender in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Noveishaia istoriia Rossii, #2 (#19): 68-80. (https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu24.2017.206)
2015 “War, Fields, and Competing Economies of Death. Lessons from the Blockade of Leningrad.” Poetics, vol. 48: 55-68. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2014.12.003)
2014 “Techniques, Technologies, and Politics of Crisis and Post-Crisis Economics: Anglo-American Macroeconomics and Alternatives.” Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Series 6, economics, #4: 5-27.
2014 “Wartime Norms and Survival.” Rossiiskaia istoriia, #3 (May-June): 17-22.
2011 “Norms and Survival in the Heat of War: Normative versus Instrumental Rationalities and Survival Tactics in the Blockade of Leningrad.” Sociological Forum, vol. 26, #4 (2011), pp. 921-949.
2010 (with Gastón Beltrán) “Illusions of Market Paradise: State, Business, and Economic Reform in Post-socialist Russia and Post-crisis Argentina.” Laboratorium. Russian Review of Social Research, #2 (2010), pp. 123-154.
2007 (with Tony Walter) "Parental Grief in Three Societies: A Study of Networks and Religion as Social Supports in Mourning." Omega, vol. 54, #3 (2007), pp. 179-198
2005 "Trials and Tribulations of Learning the Market. Culture and Economic Practice in Russia's Market Transition," The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies (Pittsburgh: Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 2005)
2000 (with Maksim Storchevoi) “Vlast’, kul’tura i stanovlenie rynka.” Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Series 6, economics, Issue 2, #14 (June 2000), pp. 83-87.
1999 “The Great Transition: The Dynamics of Market Transitions and the Case of Russia, 1991-1995.” Theory and Society vol. 28: 383-424.
1997 “Making Markets: Rationality, Institutions, Culture, and Economic Change in Russia.” Problems of Post-Communism vol. 44, #4 (July-August 1997), pp. 44-51.
Book Chapters2022 “Resilience of the Simple? Lessons about Order from the Blockade of Leningrad.” In Miguel Centeno et al (eds.), It’s the End of the World as We Know It (New York: Routledge).
2019 (with Nikita Lomagin) “States and Dirigisme versus Markets: Hydrocarbons, Agriculture, and Russia’s Trade Policy, 1991-2017.” In Sergei Sutyrin, Olga Trofimenko and Alexandra Koval (eds.), Russian Trade Policy: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects (New York: Routledge): 43-65. (https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429464041-4)
2018 “Fields in Flux: Post-socialist Reorganization of Property and Power.” In Jeffrey Hass (ed.), Re-examining the History of the Russian Economy: A New Analytic Tool from Field Theory (New York and Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan): 319-345.
2018 “Fields in Russian Economic History.” In Jeffrey Hass (ed.), Re-examining the History of the Russian Economy: A New Analytic Tool from Field Theory (New York and Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-19.
2017 “Vyzhivanie i stradanie v gody blokady Leningrada: blokadnye narrativy kak aktsional’nye modeli, gorod i ego zhiteli kak aktory” (“Survival and Suffering in the Blockade of Leningrad: Narratives as Models of Action, and the City and Its Inhabitants as Actors”). In Polina Barskova and Riccardo Nicolosi (eds.), Blokadnye narrativy (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie): 103-125.
2014 “Voina i vosproizvodstvo gendernykh otnoshenii: sluchai blokadnogo Leningrada.” In N. V. Mikhailov and J. Plamper (eds.), Malen’kii chelovek i bol’shaia voina v istorii Rossii: seredina XIX-seredina XX v (St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia): 435-447.
2014 (with Maksim Storchevoi) “Historical Overview.” In Tamara Galkina and Sören Kock (eds.), Taking Your Business to Russia. A Guidebook and Historical Overview for Entrepreneurs (Hensinki: Hanken School of Economics): 70-103.
2013 “Political Culture of Post-Soviet Economic Change: The Case of Financial-Industrial Groups.” In D. E. Raskov (ed.), Al’manakh Tsentra issledovanii ekonomicheskoi kul’tury (St. Petersburg: Gaidar Institute Press, 2013), pp. 193-209.
2013 “Sustainable What? An Overview and Assessment of ‘Sustainable Development.’” In V. S. Iag’ia (ed.), Aktual’nye problemy mirovoi politiki v XXI veke. Ezhegodnyi al’manakh, vypusk 6 (St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2013), pp. 11-24.
2011 “Vyzhivanie v gody voiny i ‘istoriia.’ Problema samostoiatel’nosti vybora i razlichnye modeli chelovecheskogo povideniia vo vremia leningradskoi blokady” (“Surviving War and ‘History.’ Agency and Narratives of the Blockade of Leningrad”). In A. N. Chistikov (ed.), Rossiia. Vek dvadtsatyi. (St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia and Academy of Sciences, 2011), pp. 105-122.
2009 "The Experience of War and the Construction of Normality. Lessons from the Blockade of Leningrad." In Nikita Lomagin (ed.), Bitva za Leningrad. Diskussionnye problemy (St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii Dom, 2009), pp. 235-271
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